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We aim to support all types of working dogs. There are various types of working dogs including military k9s, police k9s, search and rescue dogs, therapy dogs, and service dogs. As the needs of the organization and individuals we serve change, the services and gear we provide will also continue to change. Please consider ways you might be able to help us, help the community.
For more information about supporting Dogs On Duty, please browse the following links:
· Volunteer
· Donate
· Support
K9 Wish List

We have created an Amazon Wish List for our dogs. These items are used to train the animals, and they have to be very durable. We are grateful for donations any time of the year.
We are also planning to send Christmas Boxes to some of our Military K-9 Units who are deployed. Your gifts for this group could save lives.
Below is a sampling of what we need for our clients’ dogs. We will add more items to the list as our groups let us know what they need.
Sample of Wish List Items
For a complete list of items that are needed, please visit our Amazon Wish List.
You can make a Financial Donation to our organization to help us to purchase specific items that individual Police K-9 handlers have requested.
You can purchase an item from our Amazon Wish List for us to give to the dog and their handler.
You can attend and share our events or even volunteer to help with the event set-up and tear-down.
You can share our Facebook Page Dogs on Duty MO with your friends and tell others about what we do.
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